• July 02, 2024
The US Should Embrace India

India opened up to the western world in the 1980s and 90s. The US-India relations began to change in the Clinton era, benefitting under... 

  • January 05, 2021
Investing Insights 2021: Themes and Trends

2020 has been a year of facing, learning and adapting to the unknown. We look to the year ahead and what is to come.

  • November 24, 2020
India Macro: The Impossible Trinity

India's macro-economic policy leaders tackle the trilemma dilemma of capital mobility, exchange rate management and monetary autonomy.

  • May 01, 2020
Our History

Quantum Advisors was founded by Ajit Dayal as India’s first institutional equity research house in January 1990.

  • November 03, 2014
New FM, Same Old Song?

When you tune in to a new FM station, you hope to hear a different song. The new FM offers little change.

  • August 11, 2014
Signs of Hope – but not for the Crony Capitalists?

We are not India bears. We are India bulls. So what will the true economic growth be like during 5 years of Modi’s rule?

  • June 02, 2014
Great Expectations and a New Reality

Market expectations for the new government offers new realities and challenges to value investors.

  • May 05, 2014
A Decisive Mandate

Not since 1984, has India voted so decisively in favor of a single party.

  • February 03, 2014
The Great Fat Indian Election

Through this cycle of expectations and disappointment, opportunities exist for those tempted by near-term events.

  • August 05, 2013
Has India Got its Funk Back?

The irrational exuberance of the go-go years of the BRIC fairy tale has given way to irrational dejection.

  • July 15, 2013
Are Emerging Markets Dead as an Asset Class?

The case for investing in EM – or in India - rests on more realistic expectations of emerging market governance.

  • May 13, 2013
India's INR Crisis

While not in a crisis mode, a fidgety global environment and net imports are not conducive to a stable currency.

  • February 11, 2013
India's Infrastructure outshines China? Religion and Infrastructure

When Religion and Politics come together to deliver corruption free infrastructure.

  • November 05, 2012
India – FDI in Retail – A Silver Bullet?

The Indian government thinks it has a silver bullet in its new FDI retail policy - to solve the country's macro challenges.

  • December 05, 2011
The Advantage of a Million Mutinies

The India Story remains one of quality product sold at affordable prices to the nameless mutineers going about their daily grind.

  • October 11, 2010
A Value Manager in India?

India's back on investor's radar as a growth story, however our challenge remains to understand and analyze businesses and their leaders.

  • January 01, 2010
Indian Economy and Business Through Phases

We explore the Indian economy's trajectory comprising of 3 orbits - crony capitalism, production and infrastructure.

  • August 23, 2024
Global MNCs flourish in India, Their Pension Funds are missing out

India's engagement with global trade and investment stretches back through various civilizations, marking a significant presence in the world economy. The East India Company, often regarded as the first multinational corporation (MNC), was established for commerce within the Indian Ocean territory, including the East Indies, South Asia, and India itself. This entity eventually extended its influence to colonize extensive regions of present-day India

  • June 04, 2021
A #SaveMyWorld Asset Allocation

Quantum Advisors was founded by Ajit Dayal in January 1990, eighteen months before the first significant set of economic reforms in India were announced in July 1991.

  • March 18, 2021
The Inflation Tantrum: Q India Asset Allocation Insights

A macro look at global investor allocation to Indian asset markets as the world frets over Inflation.

  • February 21, 2021
Modi Sheds His Fiscal Conservatism: India 2021 Budget Outlook

The government has shocked the bond markets and cheered the equity markets with its new budget - will increased spending spur growth?

  • December 23, 2019
2019: RBI’s Year Of Adventures

The year gone by for the Reserve Bank of India has been anything but boring, uneventful, staid and apolitical.

  • April 08, 2022
India Deserves a Dedicated Investment Mandate

Global wealth is estimated at over USD 250 trillion. Long term investors like Public Pension Funds and Sovereign Wealth Funds account for over USD 50 trillion in assets. The other [...] 

  • November 04, 2022
India@75, Next25: Will India allocation reflect share in global GDP?

Over the next decade, India is slated to overtake Germany and Japan to become the third largest economy in nominal terms. It is already the third largest in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) terms. Of course, on an annual per-capita income basis, India at ~USD 2,600 is well below most Asian countries and a few African economies.

  • July 02, 2023
Waltz with India Directly, Don’t Dance through GEM

A recent shift in public equity allocation strategies is driving investors away from China and towards other Emerging Markets, notably... 

  • November 02, 2023
India’s Economic Growth Fuels Stock Market Returns

India's soaring GDP growth powers double-digit stock market returns. Broad economy and corporate growth drive markets.

  • August 02, 2021
China Tactical, India Strategic

Mesmerized by the Chinese dragon many investors have been comfortable leaving India in a generalist “emerging market” bucket in their...

  • June 02, 2023
‘INDIA to TINA’: Private Assets – Is the Over-allocation Justified?

An in-depth analysis of foreign investment trends in India's private and public markets over the past two decades highlights the shift in... 

  • March 02, 2024
Are Corporate Pension CIOs heeding their Corporate CEOs?

US corporations are increasingly investing in India, but their corporate pension funds have not followed suit. With over $6 trillion in...

  • October 02, 2023
Will Foreign Investors finally ‘Bond with India’ July 2, 2024 Quantum Advisors India

A big milestone for Indian debt markets, opening access for index-tracking foreign capital flows. 

  • December 02, 2023
Shake Hands and Get Five Fingers Back

Good governance protects long-term returns. In India's complex markets, screening for transparency proves crucial. 

  • November 04, 2020
Our Engagements in Indian Corporate Governance

Corporate governance has been an integral part of our investment management process since 1996. As an actively engaged shareholder, here are some notable examples of our experiences with management.

  • July 02, 2024
Why Adani demonstrates the G should come first in ESG at least in India

The Adani situation and its potential impact on India's reputation and financial system. 

  • July 02, 2024
Eyewash, Hogwash and Greenwash (EHG) – The Trilemma of ESG Investing

We examine a growing trend amongst corporations: a diminishing focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. A recent... 

  • April 21, 2021
Engagement Is the Key to ESG Success

Placing stewardship and investor interaction with management at the centre of our ESG approach is crucial to investment and risk management.

  • June 15, 2021
India Inc. Workforce Gender Diversity

Our own standards of inclusiveness, equity and diversity - and those of our investee companies - require continuous evaluation & engagement

  • September 06, 2021
Workforce Disclosures at Quantum Advisors

These learnings help us take our experience to the portfolio companies who can meaningfully engage with WDI to improve their own workforce practices.

  • July 02, 2024
From E to S, India ESG Increasingly Looking at Social Concerns Too

Self-assessment and proactive engagement lead our approach towards a sustainable future, underlining the harmony of 'planet and people'. 

  • July 13, 2022
A Value Manager in a Growth Market

What is a ‘Value Manager’ doing in India? – In our more than 30 years of existence as a firm and more than 20 years of directly managing India dedicated [...] 

  • December 02, 2023

Building your India portfolio since 1990 on a foundation of ethics, integrity & disciplined investment research process.

  • December 17, 2020
Meet the Team: India Value Strategy

In this joint interview I. V. Subramaniam or Subbu (Managing Director, CEO & CIO) and Nilesh Shetty (Portfolio Manager) at Quantum Advisors, discuss the bottom-up research and portfolio construction process. The team also shares their experience on how the “Integrity Screen”, adopted in 1996, for evaluating Corporate Governance in India evolved into integrating ESG actively.

  • July 17, 2017
The Indian Goods & Services Tax is Launched

We are not jumping on the tables and celebrating the slam dunk of GST. We need to see the data points evolve.

  • November 01, 2016
Demonetization: What a Messy Economic Plan

Demonetization: What a Messy Economic Plan

  • December 07, 2015
Unleash the Indian Elephant – Two Big Ideas

Our two big ideas to unleash the Indian economic elephant.

  • April 02, 2024
India – Hype, Hope, and Reality

In February 1990, our Founder Ajit Dayal wrote an article in the Asian Wall Street Journal ‘Loosen the Reins on India’s Bull Market’.... 

  • September 04, 2023
Indian Elections Don't Matter to Long Term Investors

On 17th May, 2004, the Indian stock markets hit its lower circuit, (-20%). The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)-30 Index, Sensex, fell by 842 points, its steepest one-day fall ever then.

  • March 02, 2024
India – Time for a Reality Check

Amid growing investor optimism about India, it's crucial to reality-check the narrative. 

  • January 02, 2023
India's Demography: Dividend or Disaster?

India can potentially become a billion-plus consumer market over the next 25 years but there are signs job creation is failing to keep up. 

  • April 02, 2023
Many Apples a Day to Keep Unemployment at Bay

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is India's newest celebrity. The opening of the first Apple store in India, in Mumbai and Delhi, is all the... 

  • September 30, 2022
India @ 75 - The Next 25: Will India be Decoupled?

Over the next few months, we will look at the various aspects that we think will shape India in the coming 25 years. From now till 2047. India as a [...] 

  • August 16, 2022
How Geo-politics Shaped India@75

On 15th August 2022, India celebrated 75 years of being a free country since ending British colonial rule in 1947. Though India boasts a civilization with recorded history of over 5,000 years, India, as a modern nation state, is very young.

  • December 02, 2022
India: No Country for a Strong Man

Should global investors worry about Modi being a ‘Strong Man’? Is India becoming un-democratic? 

  • June 07, 2014
Modi More Obama Than Regan – April 2014

Convinced that the Congress government with its well-honed brand of crooked playing fields and “stash-the-cash” is soon to be replaced by an angelic BJP government led by Narendra Modi, corporate honchos (many of whom were the givers of cash in exchange for favours from the Congress), the financial services community, and the media are waving the “time-to-buy India” flag. With the market already having had a run up and the INR gaining ground, we are sceptical.

  • June 08, 2015
The Emergency: India lost its freedom 40 years ago – June 2015

On June 25, 1975 Prime Minister Indira Gandhi – without consulting her Cabinet colleagues in the then Congress government – sent a letter to the President of India recommending the suspension of individual rights and freedom. The infamous Emergency was born with this statement: “In exercise of the powers conferred by the Clause 1 of Article 352 of the Constitution, I, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, President of India, by this Proclamation declare that a grave emergency exists whereby the security of India is threatened by internal disturbance”.

  • March 06, 2017
India Geopolitics – Pakistan & China

We consider the geopolitical macro view that forms the background to our bottom up value investing approach.

  • March 02, 2023
First Adani, now Silicon Valley: India Stirred but not Shaken

India's inherent long-term resilience has helped it recover from crises, including self-inflicted ones. 

  • November 30, 2020
Meet the Team: ESG Governance Strategy

In this interview Chirag Mehta, Senior Fund Manager (ESG & Alternatives) at Quantum Asset Management talks about his experience of managing the ESG offerings at Quantum. The interview covers the ESG research process, portfolio construction, their experience of ESG engagements with portfolio companies and the steep learning curve.

  • October 12, 2020
ESG Ratings – Aggregate Confusion

The arbitrary nature of ESG ratings is exemplified by various studies that pinpoint the low correlation in ratings from various agencies.

  • October 15, 2022
Quantum View: A Rating for 'Growth'

Will India be downgraded to Junk? The key rating sensitivity is whether India will reach its growth potential.

  • October 12, 2020
Our ESG Scoring Process

Our ESG research framework focuses on evaluating corporate disclosures and qualitative performance that are material to operations.

  • October 01, 2020
Quantum Leads the Way on ESG in India

Backed by decades of building in-house capabilities, Quantum is at the forefront of advancing ESG principles across India.

  • October 07, 2020
Does Growth Matter? – India Multi Asset Commentary

The Growth versus Markets conundrum - markets have rallied despite growth slowing and corporate earnings flat. Does growth actually matter?

  • July 02, 2024
2023 - Climate Evidence Will Force a Resurgence in Sustainable Investing

After a challenging year for ESG investing in 2022, marked by setbacks and declining interest, the focus now shifts to 2023. The recent... 

  • July 02, 2024
Prof. Damodaran, see the "Value" in ESG

Professor Aswath Damodaran suggests people working in the ESG space were either ‘useful idiots’ or ‘feckless knaves’. We argue that... 

  • May 18, 2021
Is India a Flailing State?

The contradiction of a fast growing democracy with a failure to provide support during the recent surge has implications on the economy.

  • July 02, 2024
Two Blue Ticks Verify Our Sustainability Credentials

Our adherence to stringent ESG standards exemplifies our commitment to sustainability and transparent business practice. 

  • June 29, 2022
India’s Fiscal Budget Thrust on Sustainability – Show Me The Money?

We take an accounting of the sustainability linked hits and misses in this year's Fiscal Budget.

  • June 14, 2022
2022 – Year When ESG Aspiration Meet Implementation

With pressures to make ESG reporting more meaningful, we take a look at the standards, quality and coverage to come, globally and in India.

  • September 29, 2021
Assessing companies for financial risk, sustainability and resilience

Assessing companies for financial risk, sustainability and resilience to macro turbulence is key to our proprietary ESG investment process.

  • July 26, 2021
How Green is Green Energy?

We look beyond the “clean” label in responsible investing to reveal stark choices for carbon intensity and footprint.

  • June 21, 2021
From ESG to EHG: Greenwashing Pitfalls in the March Towards Sustainability

Investors navigating ESG greenwashing need to be aware of practices which we refer to as EHG: Eyewash, Hogwash, and Greenwash.

  • November 20, 2020
Progress on Indian Workplace Gender Diversity

Workplace diversity contributes to better management outcomes. How has India progressed in female employee participation?

  • January 15, 2021
ESG Harnessing the Power of Equal Opportunity

Gender diversity is crucial to profitability and value creation. As India ESG investors, we demand far better disclosures from companies.

  • November 11, 2020
ESG Indexes – A Stumbling Block for India Investors

  • June 23, 2021
Time is Running Out For Climate Action

Climate mitigation to achieve Paris Agreement goals requires concerted action by global asset allocators and policy makers alike.

  • June 08, 2021
Why Investors Need a #SaveMyWorld Allocation

Who will fund the world's needed response to Climate Change? An allocation of just 1% by pension funds and SWF would avert a global crisis.

  • May 27, 2021
Transitioning to a Low Carbon Future

As stewards of long term capital we expect Indian corporates to lead India's transition to a low carbon future.

  • July 18, 2022
"Greenflation" – a Scapegoat for Today’s Inflation

The burdens and benefits of greenflation require closer examination as the world pursues climate transition during times of inflation.

  • June 06, 2022
Heat waves in India – a harbinger of climate change

Recurring climate crises adversely impact economic, food and healthcare systems and heat waves are the clearest symptom of global warming.

  • November 18, 2021
COP26 Addresses Climate Change: Q IRR Addresses Broader E, S & G

As India, and the rest of the world, gear towards a low carbon future we continue to engage portfolio companies in all aspects of E, S & G.

  • December 04, 2020
Quantum Advisors to Sponsor the India Impact Challenge

India is Ground Zero for tackling Climate Change. How can we facilitate equitable growth, while limiting greenhouse gas emissions?

  • December 04, 2020
A Brazilian Sustainable Solution to India’s Climate Change Challenge

The finals of the international India Impact Challenge has highlighted innovative strategies to tackle carbon emissions in emerging markets.

  • December 18, 2020
Ecology & Environmental Risk

We explore the inextricable links between ecology and economy in this discussion with the Founder of Sanctuary Nature Foundation.

  • December 18, 2020
Social Impact

Grassroot social organisations and cooperatives offer an important role in tackling climate change and social inequity.

  • December 18, 2020
Climate Change Impact

We speak to the Founder of Climate Trends on the impact of climate change on India's economy and public opinion.

  • December 18, 2020
Risks to India's Water Resources

Climate change has an adverse impact on water resources globally, India's water management policies will be crucial in managing risk.

  • December 18, 2020
Air Pollution

The causes, risks and policies that impact India's air pollution and quality.

  • December 10, 2020
Business India Climate Change Weekly With APF

Angela Rodell, CEO of Alaska Permanent Fund on climate impact and transition.

Building your India portfolio since 1990 on a foundation of ethics, integrity & disciplined investment research process.
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