We explore the inextricable links between ecology and economy in this discussion with the Founder of Sanctuary Nature Foundation.
Bittu Sahgal - environmental activist, writer and founder of Sanctuary Nature Foundation speaks to Arvind Chari, Chief Investment Officer of Quantum Advisors.
In this discussion, Mr Sahgal explains the inextricable links between bio-diversity, wildlife trade and the pandemic. With the impact of climate change having a symbiotic relationship to economic risks, Mr Sahgal goes on to explain the need to protect ecological resources such as forestry and water to bolster economic resilience and how economists would benefit from incorporating climate and environmental risks into their economic models.
The India Impact Challenge - Organized by the Center for Sustainable Enterprise at University of North Carolina's Kenan-Flagler Business School and powered by Quantum Advisors - seeks to inspire student teams around the world to devise plausible investment strategies that will facilitate equitable growth, while limiting greenhouse gas emissions.
Explore other India Impact Challenge issues and interviews:
Introducing the India Impact Challenge with Ajit Dayal, Founder of Quantum Advisors.
Responsible Investing in India with Arvind Chari, Chief Investment Officer at Quantum Advisors.
Climate Change Impact and India: interview with Aarti Khosla, Founder and Director of Climate Trends and Carbon Copy.
Climate Change and Risk to Water Resources: interview with Dr. Tushar Shah, Professor Emeritus Institute of Rural Management and Research Consultant for International Water Management Institute.
Climate Change and Social Impact: interview with Dr. Mirai Chatterjee, Director of Social Security India’s Self-Employed Women’s Association – SEWA.
Climate Change and Air Pollution: interview with Jyoti Pande Lavakare, Co-Founder of Care for Air.
Triple P – People, Planet, Profit with Ajit Dayal, Founder of Quantum Advisors.